608 S. Old Middletown Road
Middletown Twp.
Media, PA 19063
Ph: (610) 876-4213
Fx: (610)-874-6876
Funeral Mass
Dear Pam and Jim,
I feel terrible that we did not know that your mom passed away. We have so many fond memories of time spent together over the years. Our sailing trip was the best! We taught her how to snorkel on her 75th birthday in the Caribbean! Concerts at Rose Tree park and MN any shared dinners are such happy memories.
I hope you are all well. Also sorry to see that your sister has also passed. The last time I visited Betty, she could barely converse, but I truly believe she knew us. Again, I just want you to know that we are very saddened and I prayed for her everyday. Was visiting a friend at My aris Grove and asked about her. Imagine my shock. We actually spend the winters in Florida now, so we were gone from Feb to May.
May she rest in peace.
Merikay and Joe Dragon